sunnuntai 18. toukokuuta 2014

Waiting hearts in newly renovated Waiting hut

Spring is the season of new life and hope. As in Nordic hemisphere the sunlight and daylight increase day by day when moving towards summer, I feel more and more energized and inspired. New ideas start to emerge and joy of the beauty of life is splashing through the veins. As the world turns more and more colorful, the more I believe in that everything is possible. Added to this, during the spring God has blessed with so many gifts and visions. One of them is definitely the Waiting Hearts project, which due to continuous prayer and hard work has proceeded now very far.  When dropping by Swaziland and visiting the RFM hospital grounds, I was so happy to see that over the last four months the project has seen exciting progress  and the renovation is about to come to its end. Huge thanks about this belongs to Seth and Kaylee Carley from Bethany First Church, and the administration and maintenance team from RFM, who have all done amazing job and been so committed to the project already almost one year.

The old bathtub, sink and toilet have now been removed as well as old appliances and furnishings that were worn and useless. They have been replaced by new showers, the new sinks and toilet, and new shelvings. The hut is now painted from roof to walls with happy yellow and bright green. New windows and doors have been installed and painted to replace non-existing ones.  Better lighting and more electrical outlets have been rewired. A brand new lower ceiling has been put to make the building warmer and more comfortable. New guttering was put on the outside of the building to prevent leaking. A washbasin is now placed outside the hut for women to do laundry. Thanks to the nursing student team from US, hut is also now surrounded by beautiful flower garden. Added to these beautiful details in the architecture of the renovated hut, new cleaning equipment allows the current habitants to keep the hut a cleaner, healthier and safer environment.

The final touches are still being done and new mattresses are still on their way, but the waiting hearts of the mothers can already wait in a cozier, newly renovated, clean and safe hut. Colorful hut looks so much warmer and more inviting place to stay now and mothers are so happy for all the improvements.

 In front of the hut
 Students and professors who planted the garden
 New roof
 Renovated toilet with new showers
 The front door
 New windows
New washbasin