lauantai 6. joulukuuta 2014

Independence Day

I come from a country which has been for 97 years a free and independent country. Tonight I was celebrating this honourable age with Suomi Seura of Lund with Finnish dinner (or almost-Finnish dinner although I think Sweden provides rather good groceries for this purpose), national hymn, Presidential speech to those Finns living abroad, Finnish tango and a group of lovely country mates. This year I couldn’t stream the reception by The President of the Republic (Linnan juhlat) online, but luckily it is recorded in National media page so me and all others outside the country get to enjoy it even from distance.

There are actually many reasons to admire Finland. Most important things are of course free of charge, best quality, solid national education system as well as well-functional maternal care facilities and least corrupt government in the world. (more info Even if I wouldn't live in Finland currently, I will always remember to be thankful for all these gifts that my country provides for all its citizens. The fast development into welfare state where all habitants have equal rights and opportunities that Finland has seen is a promise for all other developing countries. 

And a strawberry on top of all this are the beautiful nature and sceneries that the country offers from North to South and East to West. Seeing these pictures make me grave to my roots and hopefully you to wanting to see them with your own eyes ( Enjoy!