My internship in ECSA - Health
Community has been so far very successful. Every day in ECSA is exciting and
busy with numerous on-going projects, meetings and activities. This year ECSA
is celebrating 40th anniversary and this can be seen in so many levels
of work. ECSA has now 40 years of promoting regional cooperation for better
health. According to Director General, even despite the economic down turns
that have affected most of the member states the role of ECSA as a secretariat
remains not to compromise the mandate ECSA is entrusted in. The region of ECSA
provides challenging demographic statistics which incline to poor health
indicators, poor economic performance indicators leaving the region in enormous
need even if most of the mortality and morbidity causes that impact the
economic development are controllable and preventable.

Currently ECSA is preparing the 8th
Best Practices Forum (BPF) and the 24th Directors’ Joint Consultative Committee
(DJCC) Conference with a theme “ECSA Health Community at 40: Strengthening
Regional Cooperation for Better Health Outcomes”. Sub-Themes are “Universal
Health Coverage”, “Innovations in the development of Human Resources for Health”,
“MDGs lessons for Post 2015 Agenda” and “Control of infectious diseases”.
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