lauantai 16. marraskuuta 2013


No November without Movember. Since last year, Movember has been ranked one of the top 100 NGOs in the world and Swedes seem to be very supportive for this initiative, since Movember mustaches can be seen around the city. That being said, today Mustache steps leaded to Mustache door, behind where Movember party fulfilled a small room near Folkets Park with people either with grown or bought mustaches, enjoying the first Christmasy glögs and mustache cinnamon cookies, relaxing on furahiday. The good cause and goal to ''change the face of men's health'' raised awareness this time among MPH students and Spångatan habitants, and gathered a bunch of wonderful people together. Evening continued (finally after 3 months of waiting for a proper occasion) to our backyard, Moriska in the Folkets Park where 3 parties and nightclubs with themes of Rainbow, Reggae and Salsa welcomed us and whole Malmö to club all night long (or actually until 3am, since Swedes consider it is a correct time to close doors in a bar). Next day after drawing mustache off and adding some colour to alien-look, seemed it smooth to continue celebrating the best alien of the universe and our dear studymate birthday hero. After Alien Mafia conquering the village, 4-eye monster cake nearly finished and some new truths learned from each other, epidemiology tastes good again.

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