sunnuntai 24. marraskuuta 2013

Museum of sketches

How inspirational place The Museum of Sketches is! On the guided tour of International Desk, it was so interesting to see the sizeable collection of public art representing works from all over the world. The fact that the art pieces were only sketches and drafts which are drawing the first ideas, turning abstract to visual, enabled to experience the creative process, proceeding work of art “behind the scenes”. Around the walls in huge rooms, the creative process around the conception of public art was present. The preliminary works and models to the art are possible to meet in our surroundings, in our environment. Each process is unique. There were numerous different scales and the materials varied; from a hasty sketch on a paper napkin to a large original model to be cast in bronze. The idea behind the museum is to illustrate the birth of a work of art and also how art in public places has developed from the early 1900´s to our own time. Museum consists mainly of three main collections; the Swedish, the Nordic and the International collections. Every year the Museum receives donations and gifts, and added to this also attains new acquisitions in order to actively guarantee that the collection has both representative and current examples of public art. Each piece of art had such an interesting story. Even Marimekko design was hanged on one of the walls!

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