sunnuntai 17. marraskuuta 2013


Spex season has started in the country of student theaters. The first spex dates back as early as in the 16th century in Uppsala, where local university students were practising Latin by making Latin plays which were called spexes. The word is derived from abbreviated student slang for spektakel. Prominent features of spexes are the musical-like mix of spoken text and songs, sometimes rhymed dialogue, with good amount of parody and satire, and the tradition of having the audience shout ''Omstart'' if they consider the current scene especially hilarous. Ideally, the actor should then improvise the scene or punchline in a new way or command actor to perform the scene in question backwards, in slow-motion, in another language or in another fashion. Today in Hallands Nation spex humans were promoted to Gods, love arrows of Cupido were flying here and there, the icy heart of Hermes melted, Paradise of Troya opened its gates and the olympic fire reached Athena.

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