sunnuntai 13. huhtikuuta 2014

Student union all year long

Year 13/14 is already far and student union is having elections for the next year. Even if the year isn’t over, most of the student activities are, and minds are turned more towards the coming year. This year the MPH section in the student union of MF has been very active for the full year to take forward the feedback from the students and organizing social student activities, such as wonderful study visits all around Sweden and Copenhagen.

This year has been very productive in terms of creating networks with other international health master students in Sweden. Deepening partnership between the universities and their student unions has had a very positive start and in future this already flourishing linkage will hopefully continue strengthening. Study visits to Uppsala University and Karolinska Institut were great success and hopefully next semester there will be opportunity for return visit.

Currently for the first time we MPH students are planning our own graduation ceremony with own budget, which unifies the customs under Medical Faculty. MPH program has became better integrated to Faculty and student union, thanks to our active student members in different committees and this has increased transparency and involvement in decision making. Next year we will continue representing actively our program and deepen our cooperation at all levels.

Overall, the MPH program has been very innovative and positive even for many major improvements in our program throughout the year and implementing improvements has been continuous.

Almost all members of MPH-UR 13-14
Student rights seminar
 Visit to ECDC together with students from Karolinska Institut
Nice beginning for chair collaboration
Visit to Uppsala University and tour around the city

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