perjantai 23. elokuuta 2013

Happiness is a roof on top of the head

One never appreciates home as much when one doesn't have one. After months of searching, numerous emails and phone calls, we were able to come up with almost zero planned visits to rental apartments when we finally arrived to Malmö, that it even is hilarious. It's amazing in the third largest city of Sweden how students become so desperate, that they are ready to rent houses without contracts and become cheated.
But happy ending was luckily reached relatively fast. It's such a lovely feeling to wake up in my own bed, make a cup of tea with my own kettle in my own kitchenette with a view above Folkets park, nearly 130 years old public park which is awake throughout day and night.
Actually me and my colleague were blessed with a chance to choose from few different options in Lund University Accommodation, although even there they have to ask high prices when the apartments are situated in such a good areas.

When the trouble of accommodation was solved, suddenly the shoulders were released from a heavy burden and we went to enjoy the last day of the largest festival in city in Scandinavia, Malmö Festivalen the culture, art, music, dancing, good food, and international atmosphere.

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