maanantai 26. elokuuta 2013

Welcome Weeks

First Welcome Week in Lund University is now over and second starting. The idea of getting to know the University and the country and make new friends with other of the 2000 new international students can't but succeed when the program is so well planned. Altogether we form a group of total 5600 international students in the whole university, which makes it possible to organize event even of a big extend. 
Schedule has a variety of welcome receptions, seminars, games, association fairs, sports, excursions, information meetings, sports and cultural tastings. So far I have been astonished for instance of how professionally our international mentors, senior local students are doing their job and how the student volunteers are helping all events to go so smoothly. All my questions have became answered and in one week time I have been able to settle well with most of the formal procedures thanks to helpful staff and tutors and even had fun meanwhile with other fellow new arrivals.
Student TV made a video of the Arrival Day 2013 which shows well the atmosphere of the first day ever in my new university.

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