torstai 19. syyskuuta 2013

Development Research Day

The 11th annual Lund University Development Research Day 2013 was hosted this year by Faculty of Social Sciences, who chose the title of the seminar ''Gendered Developments - Imaginings, Politics and Practices''.
The idea of this conference is to bring together both inside and outside Lund University those interested in development issues from a wide variety of disciplines, share knowledge and research, inject new ideas and expand dialogue.
The keynote speakers this time were Professor Naila Kabeer, from School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, and Margot Wallström, former special representative of the UN Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict and current chair of the Lund University Board. Wallström was the initiators of this new UN body,  which tries to prevent sexual violence as a human rights issue against humanity and humanitarian law. She told about starting the work; mobilizing media, reporting to security council, raise awareness in especially 7 selected countries, meeting the survivors, forming analytical framework, training manuals and early warning metrics, and cooperation with the governments, NGOs and civil society. Naila on the contrary told about gender justice, citizenship, empowering women, gender status, identity and individual rights giving background from Bangladeshian and Afghanistan culture and Hindu religion. 
Afternoon continued with parallel discussions, but I had to participate to group discussion about Botswana PMTCT program of my own degree program instead.
In the evening our class gathered for cozy make-your-own-pizza evening in our backyard to taste new delicious pizzaflavours and new creative pizzastyles.

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