lauantai 28. syyskuuta 2013

Malmö Gallerinatten

Young, but rapidly growing Malmö is full of art. I didn't know this before going out on Saturday night after 6pm to annual Gallerinatten and checked few of the tens of galleries around the town. And I'm not even sure if all of the city's galleries were open on that night. I also don't know if I would ever have found all those cute galleries without our guide or Malmö gallery map.

It was annual gallery night and even ice cream shops were decorated with paintings. Even if it was Northern European influenced in the middle of alcohol friendly culture, still they made effort by offering wine and snacks. Artists were present answering questions and giving their business cards. We saw Bauhaus style photos of doors, paper fruits, pottery jewelry, felting, old romantic Spanish photos, net sculpturer an impressive 10 years-old-sad-story of a man of who had a cancer, beautiful old and new art jewelry and Russian art modern museum. One artist was a bit older Canadian with his wife, who couldn't stop from his label of net art and who said it's real blessing to find the own way of doing art and expressing oneself.

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