sunnuntai 15. syyskuuta 2013


Shakespeare's Hamlet's castle in Elsinore is a real Kronberg castle in Helsingor. The history of the city is about 2000 years old already. The castle itself was build by one of the numerous Danish kings, Eric de Pomerania, due to it's good location in a narrow sea passage between the coasts of Denmark and Sweden. The name for this Danish city comes from word hals meaning ''neck'' or ''narrow strait'' referring to the geography and Danish took advantage of this since 1429 by establishing the Sound Dues. All foreign ships passing through the strait had to pay a toll, which constituted up to 2/3 of Denmark's state income. However, the Sound Dues were abolished in 1857 with the Copenhagen Convention, where all naval nations agreed to pay a one time fee.
Castle was famous of glamorous parties, which included hours of eating and endless dancing, which could last for days. Latest fashion in furnitures, decorations, art, architecture and dressing was strictly followed. Castle also had important role to play in wars between Denmark and Sweden.
 Memory statue for Shakespeare.
 Castle is surrounded by canal.
 Sweden is very close.
 Danish King, Holger the Dane, who legendary rescued France and returned to sleep in Denmark before obligations require him to save his own country.
 Walls and furniture are decorated with astonishing beautiful handicraft.
 Notice the real precious chinese above the fireplace.
From art collection of the queen.
It was unpolite to stop eating before the king, who had practiced his stomach to eating for hours.

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