keskiviikko 4. syyskuuta 2013

UN visiting

One of the international coordinators of Lund University said last week that Lund University is full of surprises even for him, who has studied, volunteered in student activities and worked there for years and traditions dating about 350 years back. Today, already after 2 weeks, I had a first chance to taste some of these delicacies, when I joined Anna Lindh Lecture ''United Nations Prevention and Peaceful Settlement Disputes'' given by UN Deputy-Secretary General Jan Eliasson. 
The purpose of Anna Lindh foundation is to bring people together from across the Mediterranean to improve mutual respect between cultures and beliefs. Today they have developed region-wide Network of over 3000 civil society organizations. 
The Annual Anna Lindh Lecture is held in memory of the late Swedish Minister for Foreign Affaris, by inviting distinguished scholars, politicians, civil-servants and diplomats to speak at Lund University Hall this time in cooperation with the Raoul Wallanberg Institute and the Student Association of Foreign Affairs of Lund. 
It was a real privilege to hear an inner look of United Nations and its work behind the curtains. Our lecturer shared his own fascinating experiences of promoting and facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, civil rights, political freedoms, democracy, and the achievements of lasting world peace. Big part of the focus was also in the situation of Syria, and UN is currently working through days and nights around this issue. Let us have hope everything is being done that possibly can be done in this moment and pray wisdom for trustees.

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