sunnuntai 6. lokakuuta 2013

Art and science

When rainy autumn and study books keep hardworking students indoors majority of the time during days, what is more refreshing than changing the scenery and exposing ourselves to art? Louisiana modern art museum in Denmark has a considerable collection of more than 3000 works of art and is one of the largest in Scandinavia offering by both its permanent and temporary collection enormous quantitative of visual beauty from artists like Picasso, Giacometti, Dubuffet, Yves Klein, Andy Warhol, Rauschenberg, Henry Moore, Louise Bourgeois, Polke, Kiefer and many more.

The museum is surrounded by a sculpture park facing the sea and the interaction between art and nature is vividly present. Architecturally museum is quite unique also with a lovely interaction in a beautiful landscape in all the sides of the main building.

Temporary ARCTIC exhibition had been just opened providing ''multi-faceted autumn exhibition exploring a wonderful, fragile, frightening and powerful world. A quest for a location, real and imagined, has through centuries stirred up strong drivers and emotions, fascinating and attracting artists, scientists, writers and adventurers alike.'' ARCTIC showed in many ways the beauty of the unbeatable nature, alongside which humans can only wonder.

After astonishing some amazing pieces of art, directing the mind for one afternoon away from the qualitative research methods and reviving with lively conversations about modern art, it's good the return back to the books and continue the normal rhythm of student life.

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