tiistai 8. lokakuuta 2013

Seminarium with a focus of Africa

African continent is developing considerably and already more than 40 years Sweden has maintained academical partnership programs and university cooperation opportunities with various countries in this part of the Globe. Also Lund University has had an important role in the progress in many African countries within areas such as education and research. Currently, international development policies in Sweden are increasingly focused on supporting education and research, which continues to remain one of the most important strategies for furthering positive developments within this region. While competition is increasing rapidly, it is important to disseminate information alongside supporting on-going and new initiatives in the faculty of medicine. Lund University aims at safeguarding excellent reputation as a leading university offering a full range of modern research and education within sciences of medicine and health.

The seminar focusing on international cooperation in Africa aimed to serve as a first step in terms of gathering knowledge around existing activities, and providing an opportunity to discuss future initiatives. Various aspects were represented how to continue working and strengthening various forms of cooperation. Fruitful academical collaboration has been significant especially in countries with minimal amount of higher level research specialists and were possibilities for conducting researches are small. What a privilege to be involved in such a remarkable developmental partnership!

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