sunnuntai 3. maaliskuuta 2013

Mlilwane 2-day-safari

On Saturday we Diak students together  with MYC volunteers headed to Mlilwane game reserve in order to conquer Nyonyane mountain, which we really did in the end after sunny 2 hours of walk first through big brownish savanna fields above deep blue sky with almost no clouds and then through hundred different nuances of green and beautiful smell of eucalyptus trees in the forests of the hills. On our way we saw some beautiful creatures of Swazi nature. In the warm evening we sat by the fire surrounded by the voices of Swazi nature together with Belgian and Asian traveller and heard about their 8 days adventures in Kruger national park in South Africa. On the second day we woke up early and headed to hippo walk, although we didn't see any hippo, because they had left to spent their summer elsewhere. Instead we saw crocodile eating zebras' head on the water. It was not very picturesque.

Proper Swazi lunch: maize as food and drink

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