sunnuntai 24. maaliskuuta 2013

Charity and sustainability

On Friday I joined the charity dinner for The International Council of Nurses Wellness Centre for Health Care Workers. This programme aims to strengthen health systems through the provision of quality comprehensive health services for all cadres of health care workers and their immediate families. The Wellness Centres are responsive to needs, managed by nurses and work to achieve a strengthened health workforce, better able to meet the population needs. Look here the video of the important work to help those who help:

 On Saturday the UNISWA Green team had organized a Green walk throughout the streets of capital and Green event with guest speakers from Electricity and Water company up to UNESCO ambassador to raise awareness of sustainable development and environmental protection. Dance and song performances entertainment accompanied a huge picnic served for numerous participants in the sunny Coronation Park. In the evening the campuses had Earth Hour – Dare the World to Save the Planer which meant shutting off all electronical devices and joining global campaign of creating a more sustainable planet. Follow this link to find more info about Earth Hour

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