lauantai 4. toukokuuta 2013

Traditional swazi wedding, Umtsimba

In traditional Swazi wedding the bride - who is visiting boyfriends' homestead - is surprised at 3 am by taken outside and tried to make cry standing half naked surrounded by a group of singing ladies. She is supposed to cry until the sunrise. The more tiers the happier marriage. The ladies are there also to help her to cry by for instance throwing cold water on her. In the dawn she is warmed up by starting a fire and dressed up in blanket.
 Then the bride is given advices for the marriage from the other wifes. We witnessed also escape of the bride, capturing her, carpet fight and dancing around the house.
 Here is the bride leading the singing and dancing group of people back to the house. In the end she was also supposed to clean the whole house and prepare food for everybody in order to show her hostess skills.
 And inside we continue dancing and singing.
 Then it was time to kill a goat, cut it, cook it and eat ALL pieces of it. It depends of the hierarchy of the family which piece is given to who. The goat happened to be pregnant and it was considered to bring fruitful marriage.

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