maanantai 29. heinäkuuta 2013

Farewell Swaziland, hope to be back soon again

Thank you for my dear friends for being who they are. Distance is nothing when there is internet for keeping in touch. Friendship can remain even beyond borders.
 Thank you for good supervision for my kind supervisor from In-service and mentoring for my experienced colleagues from Infection Control.
 Thank you for the Quality Assurance Team who try their best to improve quality of care and with whom we have had good cooperation.
 Big thanks to management who try to keep all the functions together and who have been in charge of everything.

 Thank you for Community Clinic team, who welcomed me to their clinics.
 Thanks for all administration corridor staff for the time spent together, it's been a real pleasure.
 I'm grateful for IT staff being so patient and helpful again and again.

I will miss you all! Because of you, Swaziland will always remain in my heart wherever I go.

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