maanantai 1. heinäkuuta 2013

Last month momentum

Will I ever get used to Swaziland? How to get used to a country? When knowing something inside out so well that it becomes easy to find solution to cope with any unpredicted situation or just for the sake of making life easier, closing mouth when disagreeing. Become accustomed to life as it appears on this side of the globe. Adapt to culture, climate and societal system, become passive to overcriticism, blind to differencies in ways of behaving, accept cultural taboos...
No, am afraid I will never stop being heartbroken for malnourished children especially orphans, agree with patriarchal thinking, approve uncommitment in terms of couple life as well as any group assignment, enjoy of being imprisoned indoors always when it is dark outside, believe that your surname should define your social status and list goes on..
And at the same time, there are many ways of doing things, communal approach of Swazis, including all the members of the group, setting the benefit of the family before own is somehow very fascinatingly unselfish. It is strong insult if you pass by someone without greeting. And still in a developing country, only those who are most strongest competitive, ignoring all the needy around and born golden spoon in mouth move on in life easiest.
Is the future bright for this country? Is there any hope today? Yes, as long as there are people believing in them. Yes, as long as there are people who commit themselves for doing good to others. The Swaziland I have gotten to know has surprisingly many these kind of people. Change just does not happen very fast. And majority is always stronger than minority.
Every day in Swaziland has been a rainbow of emotions often including seeing human life in its best and its worse. Will I ever get used to Swaziland? I hope not. I do not want to loose curiosity, appreciate the small wonders of every day life, uniqueness of human life, choosing what feels right and questioning. Yet I love this country and its people. I am ready to give everything for making this place even a little bit better place and lives of my fellows even a bit happier. 31 days, how much they can include, one step at a time...

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