tiistai 23. heinäkuuta 2013

Waiting hearts - Kulindza Tinhlitio

Tomorrow will be my last day to have planery discussion with Bethany Fist Church of Nazarene about Waiting hearts project. They are going to take the lead and make plans to come true.

Maternal mortality continues to be a major problem in Swaziland as the probability of life being at risk every time a woman is pregnant was estimated to be 1 in 69 in 2003. In this regard, maternal mortality trends are showing that maternal mortality increased from 229 per 100, 000 live births in 1997 to 370 per 100,000 live births in 2006. The continuous increase in maternal mortality rate has been associated with the rapid spread of the HIV and AIDS epidemic and limitations of the health system.Infant mortality was at 69 per 1,000 in 2005, with the WHO showing that 47% of all deaths under 5 are caused by HIV/AIDS.
The objective of the Waiting Hut Project is to address the principle causes of maternal and child mortality before and after birth in a manner that creates sustainable improvement in maternal and child health in Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital and in Manzini district of Swaziland. Target is the renovate decent conditions and healthy environment for mothers who have arrived to wait their approaching delivery.


The Waiting Hut Project will improve health and well-being for mothers, children, families, and communities in Manzini Districts by: 

  1. Increase the infection control by clean and healthy environment in the renovated Waiting Hut with clean surfaces;
  2. Empower the mothers to take care of their own and their childrens’ health through oral and written education and counseling; and
  3. Improving newborn and child survival by preventing ill-health, morbidity and mortality
  4. Give mothers purposeful activities while waiting delivery in Waiting Hut
  5. Increasing community linkages, raising awareness and building the capacity of community women’s groups, leaders, church, health care staff and students
Hopefully the mothers will soon have warm water since nights are cold here during the winter. And hopefully the roof and windows are fixed before the rainy season starts. Hopefully new doulas can be educated soon.

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