perjantai 15. helmikuuta 2013

Friday crowns the week

Today the King opened the parliament and the news on tv, radio and newspaper were full of the speeches and promises.
I joined the first classes in my new 31 years old University in one of the three campuses in Mbabane. Today I studies with community mental health and occupational health students, and these 2 lessons already showed the wide variety of teaching in Swaziland. On occupational health lecture, the professor was dictating acronyms in occupational health risk assessing and their meanings from word to word and students were writing as fast as they could copying each word. On the contrary, the professor on the mental health lecture wanted students not to listen to his monologue, but to have a conversational approach and he asked questions from the students about human dimensions and adaptation process, giving right answers only after conversations. It's funny how regardless of the topic, the lesson changed at some moments also to sexual  health education and gender cultural role comparison.
In the evening I visited the Sommerfield Botanical Gardens together with the American housemates from the hospital and we had delicious dinner in the huts on the water.

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