perjantai 19. huhtikuuta 2013


The birthday of His Majesty King is celebrated as an official holiday each year in one of the 4 parts of the kingdom. It is an opportunity to honour the King in rural areas in which traditional Swazi regiments salute him and "sibhaca" dances are held. The King, in his capacity as Chief Inspector of the Royal Swaziland Police appeared in his uniform, an unusual sight as for almost all other occasions he wore Swazi traditional costume. This year the double 45th year celebrations of both the kingdom and the king were held in Siteki, in the east of the country. 

The "emabutfo" or traditional regiments entered, singing, brandishing their shields, spears, battle axes and fighting sticks. The King's wives and daughters arrived in cars and finally the King himself arrived in, accompanied by the Commissioner of Police. He walked around the stadion, giving a military salute while Swaziland's National Anthem was being played. The King then inspected a Guard of Honour for all remarkable swazis, and gave them recognitions. The army were showing their from Chinese recently learned skills of group arrays and gun twiddling. 

After speech of the King, the festivities continued; different "Sibhaca" groups performed their vigorous stamping warrior's dances to the sound of singing and large drums. The whole afternoon and night festivities continued inside, and numerous Royal cakes were served, which I saw only in newspaper. 

 45th birthday of both the king and the kingdom. The foggy weather became worse all the time and suddenly it was impossible to see anymore to the other side of the stadium.
 Victory song includes running towards king and hitting the ground with shields and weapons to demonstrate happiness. The foggy and rainy weather made the traditional singers and dancers look like covered in mystery of the past. After victory song no other songs can be sang.

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