maanantai 8. huhtikuuta 2013

Strategical measures

After 2 months working in RFM and studying the facts through it's easier to answer all the questions of my dear colleagues concerning the hospital, so hopefully your curiosity is well-fed after reading this.

Swaziland Nazarene Health Institutions (SNHI) is made up of 3 institutions: the Raleigh Fitkin Memorial (RFM) Hospital, Community Health Services clinics, and the Nazarene College of Nursing. RFM Hospital is a non-governmental and non-profit making institution, founded in 1926 by the Church of the Nazarene as an emergency intervention for health problems that were encountered at that time. It has expanded over the years, and now serves as a referral hospital for the 17 regional Nazarene clinics and further serves as a teaching hospital for the nursing college. SNHI works to provide primary, secondary, tertiary and spiritual health care services to the poorest and neediest members of the community, those who cannot afford to go to private clinics and hospitals. 


RFM is substantially subvented by the government of Swaziland. It is approximately 7000 square metres in area of clinical buildings and 2300 square metres of support buildings. It has 350 beds with an occupancy rate of 65-70% per month. Around 500 clients visit the out patient departments on a daily basis. It provides medical, surgical, paediatrics, obstetrics, intensive care, emergency and rehabilitative services for a 24 hour period, social welfare and post mortem services for the entire region. The hospital employs around 520 personnel, including about 30 doctors, over 200 nurses, and 3 social workers. Between 20-25 babies are delivered per day (which is more than any other health facility in Swaziland) and the hospital provides emergency and trauma treatment for the majority of road accident victims in the country also. At least 65% of patients coming to RFM are HIV+ and are suffering from HIV related conditions such as skin disorders, TB and meningo-encephalitis.

Thanks for unknown author of RFM information sheets who helped me to contribute to gather this information.

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