perjantai 12. huhtikuuta 2013

In rememberance of Florence Nightingale

Today 43 First Year nursing class, males wearing stripes and females wearing capes, all holding candles to symbolize light of being and lamp that Florence Nightingale used to move around when checking her patients and give them hope, made a pledge in order to go their first practicals and start profession of nursing. The theme for this year's Capping and Striping ceremony was ''From Evidence to Nursing Action''. Beautiful ceremony consisted of dancing, choir and soloist singing, drama, speeches, prayer, National Anthem and the main part: nursing students promising in unison with Florence Nightingales words to be eyes for those who cannot see, feet for those who cannot walk, mouth for those unable to talk and hope for those in despair.  Students were reminded of the importance and philosophy of their work as well as the challenges particularly in Swaziland were the responsibility on the shoulders of nurses is big due to huge need of health care professionals and lack of resources. But today was a day of joy and the full Kwaluzeni campus Imperium sport hall audience was singing and dancing along and supporting the students with many aplodes and shouts, and students responding with glad smiles and singing and dancing from the bottom of their hearts.

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